The Commitment to Flow
2017 10/12 November Rome
Who has not dreamed of flowing into a life free of problems and conflicts?
Very good; Now is the time to start having another kind of dreams. Maybe what follows will dismantle you (which I will love), so, with your permission, I'll take the risk.
I challenge you to make a commitment; The commitment to flow whatever happens. I encourage you to let go of resistance to your own life and free yourself from the whys. I invite you to a space where fluency lives within failure, struggle, loss and defeat. Where the abyss is not yes. The pause space where every possibility is waiting to receive you in your next step.
We know our questions too well, it is time to give answers through our acts. Vicia gives us the opportunity to flow to the challenges, however, it is we who with our attitude can turn them into learning and understanding; In a pure state of fullness and integrity, living what happens from its real meaning.
It is time to trust in the wisdom of your body. If you do not dance, who will do it for you?
I can guess that my first dance experience was in the womb of my mum. Since I was a little girl my whole life was focused on becoming a dancer. I trained to manage it. And I got it. I am a ballet and contemporary professional dancer. After working as dancer and teacher something inside me incessantly demanded my real purpose in life. The way I needed to dance was completely different from the way I was ordered to. Suddenly the magic of life put 5Rhythms® inside my path and everything changed from that point. I stopped my need to become the best dancer I could dream and I decided to find who I was. My entire life I've been avoiding my essence with the purpose of becoming someone who I wasn't. And then it was the moment to be in front of reality. After 2 years dedicated wholly to practice 5Rhythms® the opportunity to teach came to me. 2011 was the door to change and take dance into life. Now I know the tool that roots me in life and teach me what is real. I know the connection to the universal love that one day I found and I will continue dancing to expand that state in every instant. Now I am a true student and "my students" my teachers.
Rome, Italy,
Venue:Centro Sportivo Pio IX
Address:Via di Santa Prisca 8
( Tube Circo Massimo, Train Ostiense)
Friday 20/22,30
Saturday 11/18
Sunday 10/17
Friday evening : € 25
All workshop € 180
Early birds rate € 150 booking with € 50 deposit before October the 27th
€ 10 membership card valid till 31/08/18
Info and Applications
Jyoti +393401587793
skype: m.elenadegregorio
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